Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Apple Cider Vinegar Is Amazing!

I've heard time and time again that Apple Cider Vinegar is good for so many things. But I haven't fully embraced it until this past week. I have been dealing with dry skin on my face and a little ezcema on my arms. So over the last week I would apply ACV about 30 minutes before showering. I would use a cotton ball and apply it to my face and neck and the spots on my arm with ezcema. I also poured it all over my scalp and hair because I had read a lot on the benefits of healing dry skin on your head as well as stripping your hair of residue from shampoo. Anyway, after using it all week I'm a firm believer now! This may sound strange, but using ACV for your hair works just as well as conditioner! I don't know exactly why, but it makes combing/brushing through a cinch. And it seems after my hair is completely dry you don't really smell the vinegar anymore. Love it! And my face isn't dry anymore. It has restored the areas that were dry and peeling.

Another way to benefit from ACV is mixing a couple tablespoons in some juice and drinking it daily. From what I understand it helps combat candida as well as help your body heal from other ailments.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Big Fat Failure

So my friend Meredith recently wrote this post and it just rings so true for many of us these days. Feeling a lack of energy and tired all the time. Getting the dreaded "leaky gut" diagnosis. It blows!!

I have done a super job staying off sugar the last few months until this last week when all hell broke loose! I had some sugary treats at a couple parties. Then the following days are a blur of intoxication by sugar. It's amazing how when it comes to candida/leaky gut/food sensitivities that one slip up can have a HUGE affect on my body. So even though I have not been eating as much sugar this last week as I was in the past, I still am feeling tired and easily overwhelmed which just makes me feel like a failure. So I go off sugar...again.

Then I have a friend who is HARD CORE into natural health. She could have written the book "Nourishing Traditions" she is so hard core. But she told me that even her and her family will eat junky at least once a week because if they don't they get sick and extremely ill when they are confronted with something toxic. (for example: scented candles, a couple fries, harsh cleaners someone uses in their kitchen...all these can make them severely ill). This actually happened to me and Alivia a couple months ago. We went to a birthday party for one of her friends. The lunch they served was gummy bears, cupcakes, peanut butter and jam sandwiches and cool-aid! So of course I don't want to embarrass Alivia and make her feel totally left out and weird. So I just let her eat what all the other kids were eating. On top of that this family had a thing for artificial strawberry scented candles. Both Alivia and I got really ill that evening! I was ill from the nasty candles and she was ill from eating crap!

So how do you do both in a toxic world?? How do you eat 100% healthy but live on an extremely toxic planet? How do you eat junk once a week and completely rid your body of candida?? Anyone have any answers for me because I can't figure out the balance...and maybe I'm just looking for an excuse to have some sugar. :)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Let's Make Kombucha!

I started making my own kombucha a while ago and my life has changed for the better. :) I went from forking out $3-4 a bottle to about 10-12 cents a bottle for this healthy elixir! I have also received about 4 different emails from friends asking me how I make it. So here are the basics for making Kombucha:

-6 tea bags (organic black or green tea is best. Never use herbal when making kombucha as it can become rancid)
-1 cup sugar (a lot of people like more but I like 1 cup)
-1 scoby (kombucha mushroom-you can order these or produce your own from purchasing a pure bottle of kombucha and letting the "mushroom" grow for a week or two)
-around 1 gallon of purified water (preferably not from a plastic bottle)
-1 gallon glass jar
-1 large stainless steel pot

In the stainless steel pot, bring the water to a full boil and slowly add sugar, stirring until dissolved for a few minutes. Turn off heat and add the tea bags, letting them steep for 10-20 minutes depending on how strong you like it. I've heard of a lot of people steeping for 10 minutes but this last batch I let steep for closer to 20 and I think I like it better. Remove teabags and let the brew cool completely.

Add the scoby and brew to a large gallon glass jar. Cover with cheesecloth and a rubberband to allow "breathing". Place the jar in a dark room temp. cupboard and let the magic begin. :) Check the kombucha at 10 days, 15 days and then 20 days. You know it's ready when you have a good scoby growing on the top and it is effervescent(kombucha is a bit bubbly and fizzy). When it's cooler in the house it may take a bit longer to ferment than if the house is warmer.I find that adding a bit of grape juice is my current favorite way to drink Kombucha!

Here is my current batch just a couple days from perfection!

Notice the older scoby floating in the jar and the new scoby forming on top. Also notice the bubbling at the top. Almost done!
There are different variations in making Kombucha, this is just how I've been making it. Anyone want to share their kombucha making tips?
*Be sure to sterilize all pots and jars. Kombucha should be made in very sanitary conditions to avoid contamination*