Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Daily Supplements For Children

So I've done a lot of research on supplements and boy can it get confusing and frustrating. It's hard to know sometimes which ones are legit and which ones are unnecessary or even bad for our kids. Here is what the girls get daily:

-a quality probiotic suitable for their ages. I like Baby's Jarro-Dophilus which is good for kids 4 and under.
-a good quality Krill oil. I like the one you can order from Mercola. For small children who can't swallow capsules you can break it open and squeeze it onto their food.
-Sweet Echinacea. I don't give this to them daily but just as an immunity booster once a week or so. Then if they are sick they get it more often.
-A tablespoon of cold pressed organic coconut oil. I usually try and mix it into something, like a smoothie for instance. We actually use this oil for MANY things but I might get into that in another post.

So that is it! I really should be checking if they are low on zinc and giving that to them as well if they need it. But I haven't gotten that far yet.

I would love to hear what others give their children!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Homemade Kefir

So let's get this blog started off right with a post on homemade kefir! I wonder who else out there makes this wonderful stuff. A good friend of mine taught me how to make it. If you want more info. on kefir go here.

What you will need to make this delicious replacement for your yogurt:

-kefir starter (these can be found in some natural grocery stores/markets or ordered online here
Don't be scared of the price. You can re-use the grains many many times before you would need new ones.
-milk (preferably organic and raw if you can find it otherwise as unprocessed as you can get it. Non-homogenized, ect.)
-mason jars

This is what the kefir grains will look like after mixing the starter with a bit of milk and letting them sit at room temperature for about 1-2 days. Don't be scared of them!

Kefir is extremely easy to make and is very beneficial to your digestive system. In the morning a lot of times I make either a green smoothie (a fruit smoothie with added spinach, kale, ect.) or a kefir smoothie (a fruit smoothie with added kefir and cold pressed organic coconut oil). Voila! A wonderful healthy energizing breakfast!