After I gave birth to my oldest daughter, a Swiss friend of mine told me about these great health books that she had so I checked them out. I bought them right away! They are wonderful! the children's health book is called "Smart Medicine For A Healthier Child" and the adult health book is called "Smart Medicine For Healthier Living".

One reason these books are so great is because of how they have a full spectrum of responses to common health problems. Let's take the common cold for example. If you look in the common cold section of the book it will give you a run down of what a cold looks like, feels like and any symptoms you might experience. Then after that it will have about 6 different sections on different ways to treat your cold. The sections include:
-Conventional Treatments (using medicine to treat a cold)
-Dietary Guidelines
-Nutritional Supplements
-Herbal Treatments
So for someone like me that doesn't like to use medicine to treat our colds and likes to use herbal, homeopathic and essential oil treatments instead this tells you exactly which are appropriate to use for each section and what quantities to use depending on the age (hence the two different books, one for children and one for adults). I definitely believe there is a place for medicine but I also definitely believe that we abuse it and use it WAY too often. So these books are such a great balance between the medical world and the natural healing world. Love them and totally recommend them!
Going to look for this. Thanks.
My sister in law told me about this book. I had forgotten about it but now I remember that I need it! It sounds glorious!
Are we going to meet soon?? Lori Rooney said you guys are getting together tomorrow, but I won't fly in until the evening. Will you be around anytime after that? Or am I going to miss out on all the fun?
Feel free to email if it is easier, at
Ok, seriously...I think we're twins separated at birth! I LOVE this book and have been recommending it to all my friends with kids! It's a MUST-HAVE for all parents!
Ok so I think I have just about no idea about what you are talking about on your new blog but I like it anyways:) Maybe I will have to check these out..... maybe you need to write a crash course post for me:)
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