I don't really do the new year's resolution thing. Never really have. But for some reason when January 1st rolls around each year, it feels like a good starting point for something new. I guess it's just how my brain works. So this January first I will start my detoxing of the "white stuff". No, not cocaine...just sugar. :)
I go through seasons where I eat very little sugar or a lot of sugar. Ever since moving back to the states I've been eating WAY too much sugar. My candida loves it but the rest of me totally doesn't. And since an estimated 80-90% of Americans have candida then I'm sure your candida loves it too. :)
Anyway, I will be completely going off the "white stuff" which means no packaged/processed foods either. No chips, no pastuerized juices, no stevia...seeing as it's white and all. :)
Fruits in moderation, raw honey, kombucha, coconut oil...things like that will be my sweet friends. The last time I went 100% off sugar I was scary to my family for a few weeks until I got over the difficult hump. My poor family. :)
Anyone else doing anything health related this January 1st??
Joy, this is for you! :)
15 years ago