So my friend Meredith recently wrote this post and it just rings so true for many of us these days. Feeling a lack of energy and tired all the time. Getting the dreaded "leaky gut" diagnosis. It blows!!
I have done a super job staying off sugar the last few months until this last week when all hell broke loose! I had some sugary treats at a couple parties. Then the following days are a blur of intoxication by sugar. It's amazing how when it comes to candida/leaky gut/food sensitivities that one slip up can have a HUGE affect on my body. So even though I have not been eating as much sugar this last week as I was in the past, I still am feeling tired and easily overwhelmed which just makes me feel like a failure. So I go off sugar...again.
Then I have a friend who is HARD CORE into natural health. She could have written the book "Nourishing Traditions" she is so hard core. But she told me that even her and her family will eat junky at least once a week because if they don't they get sick and extremely ill when they are confronted with something toxic. (for example: scented candles, a couple fries, harsh cleaners someone uses in their kitchen...all these can make them severely ill). This actually happened to me and Alivia a couple months ago. We went to a birthday party for one of her friends. The lunch they served was gummy bears, cupcakes, peanut butter and jam sandwiches and cool-aid! So of course I don't want to embarrass Alivia and make her feel totally left out and weird. So I just let her eat what all the other kids were eating. On top of that this family had a thing for artificial strawberry scented candles. Both Alivia and I got really ill that evening! I was ill from the nasty candles and she was ill from eating crap!
So how do you do both in a toxic world?? How do you eat 100% healthy but live on an extremely toxic planet? How do you eat junk once a week and completely rid your body of candida?? Anyone have any answers for me because I can't figure out the balance...and maybe I'm just looking for an excuse to have some sugar. :)
Joy, this is for you! :)
15 years ago
Oh man do I feel your pain! Something I have tried to keep in mind is that food prepared with love from a friend is always ok for me and my family . I think the loving and positive energy in food that isn't healthy is better than a "perfect" meal that is prepared in anger. And I never want anyone to feel judged or bad when feeding us. Most people who know us know how we eat so they do take some measures to feed us healthier foods, which we so appreciate!
Also I don't want my kids to go completely crazy when they are older or ever feel like they have to hide sugar. So, I also let them and myself have treats regularly...once a week sounds great. But when I make sugar I make it as healthy as possible. I make chocolate brownies made with chick peas and agave nectar. I make cookies with coconut flour, spelt and rapadura sugar. So, we're getting the sweet taste without the chemicals, food dyes and additives. And, I could even argue that a little natural sugar like honey or rapadura is good for you! :)
What I struggle with is moderation. If I have cookies (even healthy ones) I could eat a whole batch myself! Any advice on how to be just ok with one cookie???? :)
Hey Emily,
Thanks for your comment! We actually do pretty much what you are saying. We try and eat well at home and then eat what people are serving when we go to their homes. One problem we encounter though is that as a pastoral family we end up eating at people's homes or at church events ALL the time. So it feels we only are able to eat healthier half the time. This makes strict detox and gut healing diets almost impossible at times.
Oh, I would also love it if you would post a few dessert recipes on your blog. I am a bit of a food snob and so when it comes to desserts I have a hard time finding desserts that taste as good as the originals. I can't imagine eating brownies made of chickpeas. :) So please post them so I can try them!
My poor little body has been overtaken by Candida too... :( (Malak's also) I did the detox SUPER strict for 3 months and now have relaxed a bit (a lot) and am eating small amounts of things like fruit, honey ect. I still get barfy and get a headache anytime I eat any straight up wheat or sugar, but sometimes it's worth it for a special treat! Have you ever tried coconut milk ice cream?? SO GOOD!! It's just coconut milk, agave nectar and cocoa powder, so it is Candida friendly. (Well, now that I've gotten the Candida under control, my body doesn't seem to mind the Agave nectar and a little cocoa powder) I have a few desert-ish recipes, let me know if you want em! :)
tara, i currently have a couple small containers of coconut ice cream in the freezer actually! it's good stuff, and definitely a good replacement to milky ice cream! I would love any other recipes you have. :)
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