Sunday, March 29, 2009

I Am Totally Cracking Up!!

Has anyone heard of the Go Girl?? I can't help but post about it because I'm laughing so much. The really funny part is that I'm tempted to purchase this thing. I HATE public restrooms. Hate them.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

I Have Issues

I've substituted one addiction for another. Although I've been off sugar I started drinking coffee again and now crave about 3 cups a day. I had been off coffee (except for a random decaf here and there) for almost 4 years due to pregnancy/breastfeeding. Because I almost never drank it, I really never craved it. Well, the last few months I've slowly started drinking it again. And now I"m a coffee monster. I can't get enough...which means I need to stop. Geesh, if it's not one thing it's another! Why can't I get addicted to something like carrots. I imagine that would make me feel much better than I do right now!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

My New Friend

I've been on the hunt for a good garlic supplement for some time now. I use to try and crush up fresh garlic and eat it with applesauce, ect. But it got to the point where I would gag the whole time I'm trying to choke the applesauce down. Now I don't want anything to do with applesauce.

I think I finally found the right garlic supplement for me! It's called Kyolic Aged Garlic Extract.
It's liquid and you can mix it with juice or take it straight and although you do taste some garlic in it, it's not super strong. And the taste in your mouth goes away after a while. It doesn't make my stomach hurt either. The last time my daughter was sick I overdosed her on this stuff :) and she was healthy the next day. THE NEXT DAY. Awesome.